La Jana - Santi Martorell

The guarantee trademark
“Aceite Farga Milenaria”

certifies the quality and the origin of the extra virgin olive oils derived only from the fruits (olives) of the species Olea Europaea L. “Farga”. These trees are non-transplanted trees with a trunk circumference exceeding 3.50m with a height of 1.30m from the ground. The trees are listed with their identification number, georeferencing and other data in the "Inventory of millennial olive trees of the Sénia Territory" (managed and updated by the Association of municipalities of the Taula del Sénia).

It is the only guarantee mark in the world that certifies the origin and the quality of the oil obtained from millennial olive trees.


The olive oils protected by the “Aceite Farga Milenaria” Guarantee Trademark
must belong to the extra virgin category. The oil must have the following characteristics at the time of shipment,
which are certified by the Tasting Panel in accordance with the Regulations (EEC ) 2568/91:




Maximum Acidity Method Parameter (%) 0,6
Peroxide index (meq O/kg) 12
K270 index 0,15
K232 index 2,00




The average of all defects must be equal to 0 and fruity must be above 2.



The analytical results of our Millennial Forge oil for the 2020 harvest are as follows:

Technical analysis

Degree of acidity 0,28
Peroxid index 8,3
K 270 0,11
K232 1,82

Organoleptic evaluation

Measure fruity attribute 4,8
Measurement of the defect 0,000



Ulldecona - Santi Martorell

Alcanar - Tomas Micek

Canet Lo Roig - Santi Martorell

La Jana - Tomas Micek

Ulldecona - Santi Martorell

Sant Jordi - Santi Martorell